New axe throwing business opening in Beaufort this weekend

New axe throwing business opening in Beaufort this weekend

After a much anticipated wait, Moss & Hatchet Lowcountry Axe Throwing is set to open this weekend as one of many businesses taking over the old KMart building in Beaufort Town Center Shopping Plaza.

In an announcement on the business’s Facebook on Thursday, the new spot said they will be open on Saturday, February 8th, at 5pm

Indoor urban axe throwing is the latest experience-based craze sweeping the United States. What started as friendly competition between northern lumberjacks, axe throwing is now a worldwide athletic competition that can be seen on ESPN. The game is played by throwing an axe at a large dart board like target, and keeping score based on what part of the target the axe hits.

For just $20 an hour per person, you’ll get a lane, some axes and a coach to help you reach your axe throwing potential. You’ll be able to enjoy the fun of casual axe throwing as well as world class league competition as an affiliate of the World Axe Throwing league.

Beers and axes. What more could we need?

The new axe throwing business is operated by two veterans, Nicholas Price and Henry Dreier, who are both very happy to bring the World Axe Throwing League to Beaufort.

“The big box store, most commonly known as the former K-Mart building, has been subdivided into numerous new spaces for businesses,” said 303 Associates representative, Courtney Worrell.

“Accompanying Moss & Hatchet Lowcountry Axe Throwing in the new space will be RLB Distillery, Barbers of the Lowcountry, Wild Birds Unlimited, Hank’s Lowcountry She Crab Soup, and Grounded Running. They are all great additions to Beaufort Town Center and complement the many successful businesses already here,” Worrell added.

Wild Birds Unlimited and Grounded Running have already opened their doors. RLB will be opening in the coming months.

“Whether you’re looking to get into the competitive side of axe throwing, or you’ve never touched an axe in your life, we want everyone to feel comfortable throwing with us. We will have coaches available to teach you how to throw, or to help you up your game.” said New axe throwing business opening in Beaufort this weekendPrice.

“Not only is it extremely addictive, but it’s incredibly therapeutic,” adds Dreier.

“Just come on in and let your frustrations go as you fling an axe toward a wooden target board. Whether you’ve had a rough week at work or your ex did you dirty, I assure you that Moss & Hatchet is a judgement free zone. Come on in, have a beer and throw with us.”

You can visit Moss & Hatchet and make your reservations at and visit them on Facebook at

Find more things going on around town here.

Article contributed by Gene Brancho