Food truck to again serve free lunches to Beaufort children over summer

Food truck to again serve free lunches to Beaufort children over summer
Lowcountry Cruzer food truck photo courtesy Beaufort County Library System

School is almost officially out here in the Lowcountry, and the summer will bring free lunches for area kids for the second straight year in a partnership between the Beaufort County School District, Sodexo and the Beaufort County Library.

According to a release on Wednesday, the Sodexo Lowcountry Cruzer food truck will be serving up hot, free lunches every Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday & Friday between June 3rd and July 31st.

Last year’s program was popular and served lots of local kids as it set up at fixed days and times at local libraries providing free lunch to neighborhood children.

According to reports, sixty percent of children who attend the school district are on free and reduced lunch during the year. This program is an extension funded by the South Carolina Department of Agriculture.

“The school district wants children to be able to learn and develop over the summer and good nutrition goes into being able to learn and do their best,” program coordinator, Jessica Perez told WSAV last summer when the program was launched.

The truck will stop at the St. Helena Island, downtown Beaufort and Lobeco libraries Monday through Friday to feed any child who just walks up. No registration is required.

Food truck to again serve free lunches to Beaufort children over summer

The Lowcountry Cruzer is visiting those locations because food prep services are not available. There are a number of other locations South of the Broad that will also be serving hot, free lunches. (article will be updated)

Libraries in the Lowcountry see hundreds of kids a day for various summer programs and recreational reading and to have the truck right there where the kids will already be will help to ensure that lots of area children can take advantage of the program.

The food truck stops at St. Helena library from 1045 to 1130am daily, the Beaufort library in downtown from 12 to 1245pm daily and at noon and Lobeco library from 130 to 215pm daily.