Beaufort woman praised for helping girls feel safe

Mendy Perdew of Beaufort praised for helping girls feel safe on TikTok

A local Beaufort woman has received praise on the national level for helping girls across the country feel safe by recording and posting “safety calls” on the social media platform TikTok.

Here’s how it works, according to Mashable. Whether it’s walking through a dark parking lot or getting into a sketchy Uber, traveling alone can be a terrifying, risky experience, especially for young girls. Calling a trusted friend can help, but that go-to person may not always be available.

That’s why TikTok users are faking “safety calls” for worried users to play out loud. The scripted conversation prompts the viewer to respond as if they’re meeting up with the video’s creator.

Mendy Perdew of Port Royal has recorded and posted multiple safety calls to TikTok. In one, she asks the viewer if everything’s OK, and reassures them that she’ll wait for them when they arrive. She also asks the user to show her their surroundings, but only if it’s safe to do so. Upon “seeing” how dark it is, she tells the viewer that she’s just going to keep them on the phone until she arrives.

When Perdew first began posting the calls about a month ago, the hashtag #safetycall had roughly 5,000 views on TikTok.

As of Tuesday, the tag had 1.8 million views.

Since June 25th, Perdew TikTok safety call videos have been viewed over 19 million times.

Perdew has also posted versions for more specific situations, leaving work or school. She’s also inspired other TikTok users to record versions in other languages, included Dutch, Mandarin, and Farsi.

“That just ripped me apart,” Perdew said in response to the requests for more safety call videos. “I’m a mom. I’m a human being who just wants people to live in peace and these folks are scared. I can’t ‘fix it’ but I just thought I’d try to help.”

A TikTok user used one of Perdew’s videos while being followed. The 18-year-old posted the encounter in a duet with Perdew last week. In the original video, Perdew notes that something seems off, and says she’ll keep the viewer on the phone until they arrive. Then, she starts idly chatting about dinner plans.

The viewer, in the case, managed to make it to her car with Perdew’s video playing out loud.

In one instance, Perdew said she followed up with a young woman who was being followed by her ex-boyfriend. In another, a child who used her video was being followed and made it to their parents’ in time. Luckily, both viewers are still safe.

“It seems to be encouraging folks to be more aware of their surroundings,” Perdew told Mashable in an interview. “I think the videos reminded people, ‘Oh yeah! I should probably be more careful.’ That alone will help keep many of us safer.”

Perdew noted that it isn’t just young women asking her to create more calls — men are as well.

“It turns out we aren’t alone. I’ve had hundreds of requests from men who were embarrassed to admit they have been in these situations themselves,” she added.

She’s grateful that others are stepping up to make their own videos as well, especially those adapting the calls to specific regions or dialects.

“People all over the world just came together to help strangers for no reason other than kindness,” Perdew said. “During a pandemic, during a time of civil unrest, nothing mattered but safety. It’s sad but it’s also quite beautiful. I’m glad I did it.”

Here is a link to Mendy’s TikTok safety video. You can also find her on TikTok at MendyPerdew.

See the full Mashable article here.

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