Parris Island to remove visitor restrictions, resume full graduations

Parris Island to remove visitor restrictions, resume full graduations

Removing its COVID-19 restrictions that have been in place since early 2020, Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island will be fully reopened to the public starting on June 16th.

This means the depot will be open each day of the week and will have no restrictions on the amount of people allowed for recruit training graduations or daily entry by visitors.

This culminates the depot’s gradual condition-placed reopening plans. On April 12th, Parris Island announced that it would allow limited access to graduations starting on May 7th, and allowed each graduating Marine to select two visitors to attend his/her graduation.

On June 16th, the depot will open to traditional graduation activities which include the Marine Corps Family Team Building Marine Corps 101 Briefs, the Behind the Scenes Tram Tours, and the Family Orientation Brief.
On June 17-18, all Family Day activities and Graduation will be accessible to the public.
While the depot will be be fully reopened, there are still mask mandate requirements that will be enforced.
See the depot’s post on Facebook for all the info…

With Parris Island restrictions lifted, we’re looking forward to seeing new Marines and their families walking around Beaufort on graduation day again.

It’s a sight that has been sorely missed.