Beaufort area military impact hits $2.2 billion annually

Beaufort area military impact hits $2.2 billion annually
photo courtesy WSAV

A recent study says that the military presence here in Beaufort County accounts for about $2.2 billion in annual economic impact.

That’s quite a lot.

In the South Carolina Military Base Task Force’s most recent study, information says that figure is supported by 19,240 jobs and $993.8 million in generated labor income.

Marine Corps Air Station Beaufort accounts for $787 million in economic activity annually, the study said. Marine Corps Recruit Depot Parris Island accounts for $739.8 million and Naval Hospital Beaufort accounts for $217.4 million.

“The significance of the military in Beaufort and Port Royal cannot be overstated,” the release stated. “We are forever grateful for the service and economic engine of military men and women at our local bases and for both the Navy and Marine Corps’ continued engagement in our community.”

The South Carolina military community, as a whole, creates an economic impact of $24.1 billion statewide each year, the study said.

The state is home to eight major military installations and other facilities with $2.6 billion in payroll.

The study also reports that the military community represents 8.4 percent of the South Carolina economy with 1 of every 12 in the state. The average salary for jobs supported by the military community is $54,701, 37 percent higher than the average civilian job.

“As the study indicates, our local installations are vital to not only our national defense but our state and local economies as well,” Beaufort Military Enhancement Committee chairman Jim Wegmann said.

This takes us way back to the mid 1990s when the Base Realignment Committee was meeting in Washington, DC. Remember that?

Do you remember when we were afraid that they were going to close MCAS Beaufort?

After seeing these numbers in this study, imagine what it would do to the Beaufort area if they had decided to close the base down?

The full copy of the recent report is available at