Beaufort County votes to end mask ordinance in unincorporated areas

Beaufort County votes to end mask ordinance in unincorporated areas

At Monday night’s Beaufort County Council meeting, a vote about wearing a mask on agenda item AN EMERGENCY ORDINANCE REQUIRING THE WEARING OF FACE COVERINGS UNDER CERTAIN CIRCUMSTANCES, failed to receive the necessary eight votes in order to extend the provision requiring the wearing of masks in public buildings for unincorporated Beaufort County.

This means beginning Friday, April 16, the first business day after the current emergency ordinance expires on Thursday, April 15, face coverings will no longer be required in unincorporated Beaufort County.

The municipalities of Beaufort, Port Royal, Bluffton, Hilton Head Island and Yemassee each STILL have face covering ordinances in place.

The meeting schedule for discussing continued enforcement of the mask ordinance in each municipality is as follows:

Port Royal               4/14 *Holding a Meeting 4/14 @ 6:30 p.m. to discuss
Bluffton                   4/14 *Holding a Meeting 4/13 @ 5:00 p.m. to discuss
Beaufort                 4/30 *Last Extended 3/30
Hilton Head             5/16
Yemassee               5/09

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