Beaufort florist hands out 4000 Memorial Day roses at National Cemetery

Beaufort florist hands out 4000 Memorial Day roses at National Cemetery
Photo by Rebecca Bass

Local florist Sylvia Bushey at Carolina Floral Design continued her annual tradition of handing out roses for the placing at grave sites for Memorial Day at the Beaufort National Cemetery on Monday.

Each year, the flower shop provides complimentary roses for the annual ceremony at the cemetery so family members can place them on graves of fallen soldiers.

This year, the number of roses doubled from last year to an astonishing 4,000 cut flowers. There were around 1,500 roses that were sponsored by people from all over, and Carolina Floral Design donated the other 2,500.

“There were a lot this year, the most we’ve ever had,” Sylvia said.

Bushey, along with some 8 or 10 volunteers including her friends and family members, passed out all 4,000 during the Memorial Day Ceremony at the cemetery.

Some went to specific grave sites while others were placed on random headstones honoring those that have served or have fallen for our freedom.

“We couldn’t do this without all of the wonderful help,” she added. “It was over 100 degrees out there, thank you to a lot of wonderful people who worked hard in the heat and helped make it all happen.”

Bushey and her Carolina Floral Design team up with the non-profit Memorial Day Flower Foundation, which helps provide the flowers to cities that are home to a National Cemetery.

“Being from a family with a military background, this really means a lot to me.”

Her father, a Marine Corps Veteran who served in both the Korean and Vietnam wars, is interred at the Beaufort National Cemetery.

4,000 is a lot of roses.

4,000 is a lot of anything.

Our hat’s off to Sylvia; who, along with other locals, individually play their own amazing roles to help make Beaufort the wonderful place that it is.