Beaufort ranked healthiest county in SC 8 straight years

Beaufort ranked healthiest county in SC
photo courtesy Friends of Spanish Moss Trail

For eight straight years, Beaufort County has ranked the healthiest of all 46 counties in South Carolina, according to the County Health Rankings by the Robert Wood Johnson Foundation and the University of Wisconsin Population Health Institute.

Beaufort is a very active community and the findings show many ways that Beaufort surpasses the other counties in the state in its quality of life.

Beaufort County residents enjoy the longest life expectancy in the state as well as the best quality of life in South Carolina. The study also finds that Beaufort County is first in South Carolina when it comes to health behaviors including a lower amount of cigarette smokers, a lower rate of adult obesity and the ease of access to many exercise opportunities.

The report also showed that the county has lower rates of diabetes and child and infant mortality too.

According to the study, the top 5 healthiest counties in SC are Beaufort, Charleston,  York, Lexington, and Greenville.

The counties in the poorest health are Marlboro, Allendale, Marion, Williamsburg, and Dillon.

Beaufort is surrounded by sea islands and that provides an easy way for folks to enjoy the water, do some fishing or take the kayak out for a few hours. Lots of beaches and parks in the area make for some fabulous long walks as well.

Beaufort is also home to the Spanish Moss Trail. A 10 mile paved rail-to-trail project that is home to lots of sights along the way.