Beaufort’s wish list for Southside Park

Beaufort's wish list for Southside Park
Beaufort's wish list for Southside Park

A playground, a paved course, a multipurpose paved court, and a pavilion with picnic tables topped the Southside Park Community Survey wish list of amenities folks would like to see at the expansive Beaufort park.

There were more than 1,100 responses to the survey, which was created by the Southside Park Task Force, and shared through various social media and email methods in the last month.

The Southside Park Task Force was established by Beaufort City Council earlier this year to recommend improvements to the 34-acre Southside Park, which is in the Mossy Oaks neighborhood. The task force’s report will be presented to council at its April 27 Work Session.

Among amenities not listed specifically in the survey, respondents indicated they would like to see a splash pad, more water fountains, and benches.

The survey indicated widespread use of the park. More than 18% said they came several times a week, while 6% said they used the park daily. About a third of the respondents said they used the dog park, and of those, many said they would like to see more seating, shade, and water availability.

When asked what events or activities they would like to see at the park, respondents indicated community events, festivals, concerts, disc golf tournaments, and pickleball.

Survey summary

At its April 1 meeting via Zoom, the task force is inviting public comment at the beginning of the meeting, which starts at 4 p.m. The public is invited to comment on the survey results or any other aspect related to Southside Park improvements.

To attend the April 1 meeting please click the link below to join the webinar at 4 p.m.:

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