Downtown Beaufort businesses offer extended holiday shopping hours

Downtown Beaufort businesses offer extended shopping hours over holidays

Holiday shoppers in Beaufort have a bit of extra time to get everything on their list this holiday season courtesy of extended shopping hours for several of our small, local businesses in downtown. Many of the downtown shops will keep their extended hours through Wednesday, January 1st to accommodate last-minute shoppers.

On Thursdays, Fridays, and Saturdays, shops are staying open Until 7pm

โ€œMerchant members came together and decided it would be great to extend shopping hours now and into the holiday season to make it easy for locals and visitors alike to experience all of the unique offerings in downtown Beaufort,โ€ said Eric Thibault, Downtown Beaufort Merchant’s Association President.

โ€œIt provides more time for those who work during the week to get their holiday shopping in. We provide a nice customer service and a different atmosphere than a big box store.”

It’s not just stores that will be open, but restaurants as well.

“There’s no reason to shop hungry,” he added.

Also, the City of Beaufort has opened the downtown Beaufort Marina parking lot to FREE PARKING, day or night, through January 1st.

Visit the Downtown Beaufort Merchant’s Association for more information.