The Beaufort holiday Weekend kicks off with Night on the Town Christmas celebration at 6 p.m. on Friday, December 2nd.
Bay Street will be closed to traffic. Downtown retailers will be open. Roving choirs from Beaufort High School will be singing Christmas carols, while the Parris Island Marine Corps Rock Band will perform on the main stage at Charles and Bay streets.
Other performers on that stage will include the Praise Assembly Dance Team, Beaufort Dance Academy, Southern Unlimited Dance Company, and United Dance Plex. The Community Bible Church Soul Patrol Puppet Team will perform at Bay and Carteret streets.
Food will be available along Bay Street from vendors such as St. James Orthodox Church, the Rhett House Inn, Harmony Lodge, St. Peter Catholic Church, Teen Challenge, Cappy’s Farm Fresh Food, and Blue Sky Italian Ice.
Parents can bring their kiddies to have their pictures taken with Santa on the West Street Extension from 6-8 p.m. Mayor Stephen Murray will read “The Night Before Christmas” on the main stage, and the Christmas tree lighting will take place at 8:30 p.m.