Another full moon will take over the sky over Beaufort this weekend, and this time it’s the Hunter’s Moon.
The full Hunter’s Moon will make an appearance for three days beginning late Saturday into early Sunday morning and last through Tuesday morning, and will reach its peak on Sunday, October 13th at 5:08pm est.
Unique about this full moon, it will remain visible from sunrise to sunset but will be most visible after sunset, when it rises. This also makes it seem both much larger and more orange than usual
Because of the Hunter’s Moon’s path through the sky, it appears fuller and more orange than a normal full moon.
The Hunter’s Moon is the full moon following the Harvest Moon and the one closest to the autumn equinox. The moon gets its name because it occurs at the time of the year when the leaves have fallen and time to hunt begins, according to NASA.
Other names are Travel Moon and Dying Grass Moon. Some also called it Blood Moon or Sanguine Moon, which also refers to the hunting season.