Nominate a healthcare worker for a free Beaufort SC vacation

Photo courtesy The Beaufort Inn

We just love things like this. The Beaufort Inn has teamed up with area businesses to award six Carolina Healthcare Heroes with a relaxing retreat here in Beaufort; saying “thank you” for being front line workers during the current coronavirus pandemic. You can nominate a healthcare worker for a free Beaufort SC vacation.

Any Healthcare worker in North Carolina or South Carolina is eligible to win. Submit your nomination to The Beaufort Inn’s website on or before August 11th and 6 random winners will be chosen by The Beaufort Inn. The link to submit nominations is

There are five prizes left after Michelle Green accepted the nomination and prize this week, making her the first winner. A winner will be selected each week up to August 21st.

Michelle works at Beaufort Memorial Hospital as a Nursing Assistant and has worked there for 11 years. She has been a Nursing Assistant for over 20 years. Michelle also works as a hospice home health provider for Tidewater Hospice. She started working for Tidewater after her mom passed because they took great care of her mother.

Included in each vacation giveaway is a 2-Night stay at The Beaufort Inn, a $50 Gift Certificate to Bang’s Salon & Spa, a $25 Gift Certificate for Breakfast or Lunch at Blackstone’s, a $100 Gift Certificate to Saltus River Grill for Dinner, and a Carriage Tour for two provided by Southern Rose Buggy Tours.

“We always strive to see the good in situations and in times like these, and we are so thankful for the men and women in the healthcare industry who continue to provide education and service to our communities,” said Kate Parkerson, Beaufort Inn manager.

Winners will be able to redeem their vacation within 1-year from the time the winner is announced.

If you know a local healthcare worker and want to try to give them something nice for their contributions to the community, make sure you nominate them!