Popular local Beaufort bakery abruptly closes doors

photo courtesy Beaufort Bread company

One of Beaufort’s most popular local eateries and one of the few bakeries in the area has announced it has closed its doors.

The Beaufort Bread Company abruptly announced on Facebook on Monday that they are immediately closing both of their locations.

One location has been open a number of years on Lady’s Island and the other recently opened about a year ago on Bay Street in downtown Beaufort.

We hate to see any business in Beaufort close, but this one is an especially difficult pill to swallow.

We wish the best for Robin and Eric, and for the entire Staton family.

As for bakeries in Beaufort, because we all need one in our lives: the new Briciole Bistro & Bakery on Ribaut Road offers a variety of fresh pastries and other fresh baked goods at its location, open at 730am daily. The bakery at Publix is always an option for fresh breads, and Carolina Cuppitycakes in Port Royal makes a mean cupcake along with some amazing custom birthday cakes.

Popular local Beaufort bakery abruptly closes doors
THe downtown location, BBC on Bay, had only been open for about a year.