The City of Beaufort will hold a groundbreaking at Southside Park at 10 a.m. on Monday, February 26th to celebrate the beginning of long-awaited improvements to the popular city park.
Phase 1 improvements for the 34-acre park include:
- Woodland playground: Adjacent sites with age-appropriate equipment for children ages 2-5 and 5-12. The equipment includes slides, climbers, swings, and picnic area, among other features.
- Event pavilion
- New vehicular access and parking lot improvements
“To make this happen took a community effort two decades in the making. I am happy to have been a part of the team to give it the final push, “ said Councilman Neil Lipsitz, who was a member of the Southside Park Task Force set up in early 2021.
“The park will finally begin to realize its potential – a place to gather, celebrate, play, exercise, and enjoy nature for all the residents of Beaufort, and for our visitors as well.”
City Manager Scott Marshall said, “After the completion of construction, this park will serve as an enhanced amenity for both our residents and visitors, all without imposing any additional costs on taxpayers. The construction is predominantly financed through a bond backed by future revenue generated from local accommodations taxes and hospitality taxes.”
The public is welcome and encouraged to attend the groundbreaking.
“Phase 1 should be completed in the fall of 2024,” said Downtown Operations Director Linda Roper. Its estimated cost is $4.28 million, funded through the Capital Projects Fund and Parks & Tourism Revenue Bond.

Southside Park, in the heart of the Mossy Oaks neighborhood, now includes a large grassy area, woodlands, a dog park, restrooms, and some trails.
In January of 2021, a Southside Park Task Force was created, comprised of neighborhood residents, City staff, and Councilman Lipsitz, who lives in Mossy Oaks. The Task Force conducted a survey to help determine recommendations, and received more than 1,100 responses. The Task Force recommended that a master plan be developed and that it include a playground, trails, a festival lawn and event pavilion, new restrooms, a wetland habitat, an improved dog park, more benches, picnic tables, and other amenities.
The Southside Park Master Plan was subsequently developed by landscape architects Woods + Partners of Hilton Head Island.
Phase 2 improvements at Southside Park celebrated in the groundbreaking include adding fitness nodes, renovating the dog park and improving its parking, creating a wetlands habitat, adding and improving pathways, and renovating existing restrooms, is expected to start design in spring or early summer of 2024.