Push is on to reopen South Carolina’s beaches

Push is on to reopen South Carolina's beaches
Hunting Island Beach photo courtesy Charlene Girten

When S.C. Governor McMaster closed the beaches on March 30th, there was a collective gasp from Beaufort all the way up the coast past Myrtle Beach. Now, a push is on to reopen South Carolina’s beaches for locals as a state representative has formally asked the Governor to reopen them.

Rep. Alan Clemmons, whose district represents part of Myrtle Beach, wrote McMaster a letter on Friday outlining his request. He cites McMaster’s decision to reopen public boat ramps and docks as part of his reason why.

Clemmons said in his letter that coastal residents use beaches differently that out of state visitors or tourists. For them, he said, it’s more for therapy to clear people’s minds,, exercise like running or swimming, and fishing.

“Reopening public access to our beaches for the use of coastal residents, with prudent temporary measures that ensure social distancing, would be an excellent next step in empowering coastal residents to rebuild our communities that have been devastated by COVID-19 closures,” his letter to the Governor said.

He said with hotels closed, people wouldn’t be tempted to travel to the area and use the beaches. “It would, however, restore a much-needed stress reliever at a time when it is sorely needed in all of our coastal communities.”

Clemmons mentions in the letter that he has had personal conversations with the governor about the topic.

McMaster’s order has all beaches in the state closed until April 30th. But he could also extend his order on the 30th to keep them closed.

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