Record number of wreaths sponsored for Beaufort National Cemetery

Record number of wreaths sponsored for Beaufort National Cemetery

Wreaths across America in Beaufort announced on Friday morning that it has reached its goal this year of having sponsors donate a total of 26,000 wreaths.

We have enough wreaths to be placed on all Headstones on Saturday December 18th,” the organization said on its Facebook page this morning.

While the exact number won’t be announced until Saturday, it far surpasses the previous record of 21,375 wreaths sponsored & placed at the Beaufort National Cemetery during Wreaths Across America Day in 2019.

On Saturday at noon, Wreaths Across America will be at Beaufort National Cemetery to Remember and Honor our veterans through the laying of those 26,000 wreaths on the graves of our country’s fallen heroes and through the act of saying the name of each and every veteran aloud.

Volunteers are needed and everyone is invited to the ceremony and also to help place the wreaths on as many graves as possible.

The mission of the National Wreaths Across America program is to remember our fallen heroes, honor them, and teach others of the sacrifices they have made for our Country. Started at Arlington National Cemetery in 1992, each year during the holiday season, wreaths are placed on veterans’ grave sites at more than 1,400 locations across the United States, at sea and around the world.

The Beaufort National Cemetery joined the national Wreaths Across America celebration about 16 years ago and has been participating in the Wreaths Across America ceremony ever since.

Last year, a total of 15,561 wreaths were laid at Beaufort National Cemetery at last year’s Wreaths Across America Day.