Retiring of Wreaths at the Beaufort National Cemetery

Retiring of Wreaths at the Beaufort National Cemetery

Wreaths Across America Beaufort is looking for volunteers to assist in retiring the 26,000 wreaths that were laid at Beaufort National Cemetery this past Christmas Season.

If you’re interested in helping, just visit the National Cemetery on Saturday, January 11th at 8am.

With over 26,000 wreaths to collect, lots of volunteers are needed.

Organizers are asking that you bring a broom, a broom handle, a long pole, or anything that helps gather multiple wreaths because work goes even faster when helping, and it helps alleviate the strain on your back.

The staff at Beaufort National Cemetery will also assist in helping to collect and respectfully dispose of all the wreaths.

Visit Wreath Across America Beaufort on Facebook for more information about retiring the wreaths at Beaufort National Cemetery.