S.C. Gov. McMaster reopens rest of businesses, restricts some

S.C. Gov. McMaster reopens rest of businesses, restricts some
According to McMaster, event venues and movie theaters will be allowed to open and operate in the coming days.

In a press conference on Wednesday afternoon, S.C. Governor Henry McMaster called on local governments to adopt face mask requirements and has placed further restrictions on restaurants amid the coronavirus pandemic. He also reopens the rest of the businesses ordered closed last spring.

Also, according to McMaster, event venues and movie theaters will be allowed to open and operate in the coming days, and high school football will be happening this fall. He is also allowing businesses, venues, events, and mass gatherings that were previously ordered off limits at the start of South Carolina’s shut down to reopen; however, they must implement AccelerateSC guidelines.

This means that festivals, parades, concerts, theaters, stadiums, arenas, auditoriums, amphitheaters, concert halls, performing arts centers, parks, racetracks and the like are all able to reopen and/or take place. Masks must be worn at all of these places, by both employees and patrons. Guidelines say attendance must not exceed 50% occupancy or 250 persons – whichever is less. Face covering will be required as a condition of admission or participation. Social distancing, cleaning and hygiene practices must be implemented as recommended by AccelerateSC.

Gov. McMaster also announced that all previously recommended guidelines for restaurants and other establishments that attract groups of people are now mandatory.

Effective Monday August 3rd, all restaurants in the state will be required to follow guidelines issued by the South Carolina Department of Health and Environmental Control and AccelerateSC. Dine-in services will be capped at 50%, masks will be required for all employees and patrons, tables must be spaced 6ft apart and congregating in bar areas is prohibited.

“These measures give South Carolina the best chance to slow the spread of the virus without shutting down the state’s economy, which we cannot and will not do, as many continue to call for,” McMaster said.

Gov. McMaster also called on all South Carolinians to wear face coverings when appropriate and called on local governments to adopt face covering ordinances.

Effecting August 5th, the Governor is also ordering that face coverings must be worn in all state government buildings according to guidelines and procedures developed by the state Department of Administration.

You can read all of Gov. McMasters’ Executive Orders here.

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