S.C. State Fair becomes two day drive-thru event

S.C. State Fair becomes two day drive-thru event
Photo courtesy South Carolina State Fair

COVID-19 has changed everything in 2020, cancelled events all over the U.S. and the world, but the South Carolina State Fair will hold its first-ever drive-thru fair on October 20th and 21st as the S.C. State Fair becomes two day drive-thru event thanks to the pandemic.

The traditional version of the South Carolina State Fair won’t take place this year and will instead change into a two-day free drive-through version as officials announced on Wednesday morning that a revised event will take place; the traditional state fair, which had been scheduled to start a week earlier, will not.

“As the state’s largest event, we know we have a responsibility to take care of our neighbors and those that we love,” S.C. State Fair general manager Nancy Smith said.

“So, to prioritize our community health and well-being, your South Carolina State Fair staff has spent countless hours developing the safest and best South Carolina State Fair that we can. Your safety is always our number one concern and we realize that the fair now has to adapt to the challenges of the COVID-19 pandemic. However, in the midst of the worst crisis of our lifetime, we wanted to give back to our community and bring them something positive to look forward to.”

There will not be rides at this year’s S.C. State Fair due to safety precautions, but there still will be fair food and plenty of other fun attractions for folks to enjoy.

Guests will enjoy free admission to drive through the fairgrounds and experience unique, car-friendly attractions that highlight South Carolina’s agriculture, history, arts and culture, all from the comfort and safety of their cars.

Also, guests will be able to drive into the Lexington Medical Center Fair Park on the fairgrounds and purchase their favorite fair foods. The entire parking lot will be a food area with volunteers taking your order and delivering it as you leave the area.

There will also be a drive through cattle exhibit in addition to other attractions.