Study ranks S.C. at #2 on list of worst drivers

photo courtesy flikr user Jim Burke

According to a recent survey, South Carolina is ranked as #2 for the state with the worst drivers, according to Quote Wizard, an insurance quote comparison website owned by Lending Tree.

The 2019 rankings included data on accidents, speeding tickets, DUI’s, citations and fatalities. But, there was only one of those key metrics that caused South Carolina to jump two spots from last year, DUI’s.

The South Carolina Department of Public Safety reported 22,000 DUI arrests made last year across the state.

Last year, SC was ranked the fourth worst driver state, but the increase in DUI’s has bumped the state to #2, Quote Wizard’s survey said.

Maine landed at #1 as the worst on the 2019 list. QuoteWizard determined Michigan has the best drivers.

Here are the worst ten:

  • Maine
  • South Carolina
  • Nebraska
  • California
  • North Dakota
  • Minnesota
  • Idaho
  • Ohio
  • Utah
  • Washington

Each year, the study uses incident data from website users, as well as data from the Federal Highway Administration to build its rankings.

See the full list and article here.