Study shows more people moving to S.C. than any other state

Study shows more people moving to S.C. than every other state

More people are moving to South Carolina compared to anywhere else in the rest of the country, according to a newly-published study by moveBuddha. It seems that they all just love the Palmetto State and want to call S.C. home.

It’s not a surprise that people are moving long-distance more than ever. Much of the population decided to move away from familiarity or have taken the opportunity to pursue new avenues.

Last year, more residents were moving to S.C. rather than moving out of the state, with over 10,000 more move-ins than folks leaving.

It’s no wonder. South Carolina has a decent cost of living rate, good weather most all year round, especially along the coast, and it’s just a cool place to call home.

Key findings of the study include Americans are no longer rushing en masse to the same states, many comparatively less expensive states are attracting increasing mover interest.

More people are moving to S.C., and the Palmetto State is #1 for the 2nd year running. With 2.05 in-moves for every out-move, South Carolina continues its reign as the most popular state for relocation with the highest move-in to move out ratio.

The top states people are moving to, in order:

South Carolina
North Carolina
West Virginia
South Dakota

The top states people are moving from, in order:

New Jersey
Rhode Island
North Dakota

According to the study, this year Americans are looking to move to great-value small cities in the South and Mountain West, but they’re also exploring more possibilities nationwide than in recent years. Massively populated states like Florida and Texas, which boomed in popularity during and immediately following the pandemic, while still seeing inflow, have seen interest cool as their populations and costs rise.

See the full report form moveBuddha here.

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