Local Legend: The story of Port Royal’s traveling buoy

Photo courtesy TripAdvisor

There are lots of historic spots throughout Beaufort and the surrounding area, and with being over 500 years old, lots of neat things have happened in these parts, too. Have you heard the story of Port Royal’s traveling red buoy? It’s logged a lot of miles.

On or about April 20, 1970, this buoy broke from its mooring in Port Royal Sound and then traveled, solo, 6,000 miles to Scotland.

One year and one day later it was observed off the coast of Scotland and towed by a British ship to port. Originally used as a navigational aid in Port Royal Sound, the buoy was returned to Charleston in late 1973 at a cost of $92. The buoy was then returned to Port Royal by the Port Royal Clay Company.

The story of Port Royal's traveling buoy
Photo courtesy TripAdvisor

According to a plaque placed at the buoy, it’s been sitting at the Fraternal Order of Police Memorial Park on 9th Street in Port Royal since 1992 and its light is kept burning eternally in dedication to all officers who’ve lost their lives in the line of duty.

That’s the story of Port Royal’s traveling buoy.

Pretty cool, eh?

See more area history here.

See more Port Royal history here.