Three witnesses file report of Bigfoot sighting at Hunting Island

Three witnesses file report of Bigfoot sighting at Hunting Island
Hunting Island State Park road photo courtesy Heather Doray.

Here in Beaufort and on our sea islands we enjoy a variety of wildlife. Gators and wild horses are two that quickly come to mind. It’s recently been found that great white sharks are around in our waters, too. Also, we know that there are monkeys in a controlled environment on Morgan Island. Now, three credible witnesses have filed a report of a Bigfoot sighting at Hunting Island that occurred just a few weeks ago.

You read that correctly. Bigfoot has been “spotted” at Hunting Island State Park, according to a report filed with the Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization (BFRO).

The report states that there was a Class A sighting this month, during the day, by three people in a vehicle at Hunting Island State Park in Beaufort County, according to the organization.

The report, filed on August 7, 2022 by witness Dr. Robert Frady, states that on August 2nd, he, his brother and sister, witnessed a Bigfoot crossing the road in front of them as they were leaving Hunting Island State Park via one of the exit roads near the Lighthouse.

An incident is classified as a Class A sighting if there is a clear sighting “in circumstances where misinterpretations or misidentification of other animals can be ruled out with greater confidence,” according to the organization.

The report reads in full:

“On Tuesday, August 2, 2022 my brother, sister, and I were visiting the Lighthouse at South Carolina’s Hunting Island State Park. We were leaving the Lighthouse parking lot at approximately 12:00 noon and driving along the exit road from the Lighthouse.”

“My brother was driving the vehicle, with me riding in the front passenger seat, and my sister being in the rear driver’s side seat. As we were rounding a slight curve on the exit road, we all spotted a creature walking quickly on the left side of the road approximately 15 to 20 feet in front of our car. The incident happened very quickly as the creature disappeared into the lush Palmetto & Pine forest (jungle) that surrounds the exit road.”

“My brother stopped the car immediately and asked if we had seen what he saw. All three of us reported seeing the creature. We all saw the creature very clearly as it was walking directly in front of our car. The three of us recalled and reported the exact and identical descriptions.”

“The creature was walking upright, taking strides quickly to our left, and disappeared into the bush on the left side of the road directly in front of us. We only witnessed the lower torso of the creature as it’s head and shoulders were hidden behind a pine tree and a palmetto stump on the left side of the road. The height of the creature is estimated as being between 5 to 6 feet tall. Legs were approximately 3 feet long, human like jointed knee, with dark brown, splotchy black hair that was approximately 2 inches long. The incident happened quickly and lasted for only a few seconds as the creature disappeared quickly into the thick underbrush.”

“It was a hominid,” he said.

“There were no sounds or odors noticed by any of us.”

“We were all in a state of amazement as to what occurred as it happened so quickly. We have enjoyed taking many vacations at the park throughout the years since we were children in the 1950’s to the present. While the area is abundant in wildlife, we have never witnessed anything like this in the past.”

“The three of us reported the incident to the Hunting Island State Park office on August 3, 2022 at around 12:00 noon. The Park Superintendent called me a short time later and I provided him with a full description and details of the incident. He informed me that he would file the report as a credible incident and initiate an investigation, which included roping the area off.”

“I do know now that they exist, there’s no doubt in my mind that they exist,” Dr. Frady said.

Here is the telephone interview with eyewitness Dr. Robert Frady by the BFRO:

In a follow up report, BFRO researcher and star of the hit Animal Planet show ‘Finding Bigfoot’, Matt Moneymaker said that, “the witness who reported the sighting is Dr. Bob Frady, a retired forensic psychologist from Georgia. The other two witnesses are also retired professionals. They are not making up a story. All three saw the Sasquatch briefly at close range, in full daylight.”

It’s not the first time that someone says they saw a Bigfoot in Beaufort County. There have been numerous occurrences of people on social media saying they’ve seen monkeys crossing the roads on Hunting Island, and there is another report from a resident in Bluffton that was filed with the BFRO in October of 2008.

Objectively, we are not saying that Bigfoot is real, but then again, you just never know. And, we’re not saying it’s not real. However, it sure is real to these three eyewitnesses.

This is some seriously interesting stuff, and just adds to the allure and mystique of Beaufort SC and these wild sea islands.

Three witnesses file report of Bigfoot sighting at Hunting Island
Image courtesy Bigfoot Field Researchers Organization