Union troops to take over Beaufort in December

Union troops to take over the Beaufort Arsenal
Photo courtesy Beaufort History Museum

That may have been a headline back in 1861, but in 2021 it’s the annual Living History Encampment at the Beaufort Arsenal hosted by the Beaufort History Museum that is bringing the Union soldiers into town.

The Beaufort History Museum will present its popular annual Living History Encampment on Saturday, December 4th from 10am – 430pm in the Arsenal courtyard on Craven Street. Craven Street will be closed to traffic for the duration of the encampment.

Union forces that occupied Beaufort during the Civil War after the Battle of Port Royal Sound (Nov. 7, 1861) will be brought to life by re-enactors arriving from several states.

The Beaufort History Museum will host the encampment of the 79th New York Highlander Regiment and 48th New York Infantry, Company F, in a reenactment of events that forever changed Beaufort in 1861.

The reenactors will encamp in The Arsenal Courtyard (713 Craven St.) and present live presentations of Civil War-era camp life, educational discussions, drills, marching, bagpiping, and interactive activities for the entire family.

Included in the presentations are discussions and live demonstrations of the importance of music and bugle calls during the War, the variety and use of weapons including cannon, how medical support was deployed in the field, the role of women, camp dining and cooking and other relevant topics.

Beaufort History Museum members will have a special opportunity to have coffee with the reenactors, 9:00-10:00 a.m., December 4, at the Arsenal. Non-members may click here to learn more about different membership subscription levels and join.

Admission to the event is FREE (donations will be accepted). Admission to the Beaufort History Museum will be discounted for Adults ($5) and Seniors ($4). Active military and children under 12 are free.

For more info, visit the Beaufort History Museum here.

See what else is going on around town here.