Additions coming to annual Taste of Beaufort festival

Additions coming to annual Taste of Beaufort Festival
photo courtesy Eric R. Smith

The Taste of Beaufort Festival may be changing when it comes around this spring.

According to a release in Beaufort Mayor Billy Keyserling’s weekly newsletter, this year’s Taste of Beaufort weekend is going to be morphing into a larger event book-ended with cultural events brought to Beaufort with partnerships between Beaufort and Charleston performers.

Plans are still in the making, but we’re told that this will be a better than ever Taste of Beaufort.

The core two-day event will be the same festival we all have come to enjoy over the years, but there’s apparently more in the works to add to it.

“For the past three years, the Mayor of Charleston and I have been looking at ways our cities can collaborate, and even though we dwarf in size and resources to Charleston, our appreciation of arts, history and culture seem to create a bond worth harnessing,” Keyserling said.

“Plan for a better than ever Taste of Beaufort in May with icing on the cake from Charleston.”

According to the newsletter, the event will open with Charleston Mayor Tecklenburg headlining a jazz jam with local musicians on Thursday evening [before the festival] to formally highlight the partnership.

“It’s going to be a fun evening.”

The annual festival is always held the first weekend in May with some 15 restaurants serving special dishes, along with live music and lots of family fun at downtown’s Henry C. Chambers Waterfront Park.

This article will be updated when announcements of the changes are formally made.