New flounder harvesting regulations coming to S.C. waters

New flounder harvesting regulations coming to S.C. waters
Photo courtesy Captain Tim Cutting

According to SCDNR, the results from a 2019 study of the Southeast’s southern flounder, one of the region’s most sought-after saltwater fish, were sobering: the research showed that southern flounder numbers were at historically low levels across the region due to overfishing, prompting the state to implement new flounder harvesting regulations.

Following the regional study, biologists from the South Carolina Department of Natural Resources confirmed similar trends in South Carolina waters: the overall abundance, number of young fish produced and average size of southern flounder were all down. A public survey showed similar observations and concerns among South Carolina anglers, who expressed a strong preference for quickly rebuilding the fishery.

Now, the South Carolina General Assembly has responded with a suite of changes that will reduce the harvest of southern flounder in South Carolina waters, allowing the population to begin recovery. The new regulations include a minimum size limit of 16 inches and allow a catch limit of 5 fish per person per day and no more than 10 fish per boat per day. Previously, the minimum size limit was 15 inches, and the catch limit was 10 fish per person per day and 20 fish per boat per day.

The new flounder harvesting regulations will take effect July 1, 2021.

“These new management measures will end the overharvest of flounder, allowing the fishery to begin to rebuild,” said Phil Maier, who oversees the agency’s Marine Resources Division. “We’re grateful to the angling community for sharing their vision for the fishery and to the leaders who worked hard to craft this solution. We look forward to seeing this popular fish become a more common catch along the South Carolina coast.”

Lawmakers also took the opportunity to increase a selection of saltwater license fees, the funds from some of which will be directed to a new flounder stocking program. Most notable for South Carolina residents is an increase in the cost of an annual saltwater recreational fishing license – the first in two decades – from $10 to $15. This brings South Carolina’s saltwater recreational license fees for residents in line with neighboring states (GA: $15; NC: $16).

See the new saltwater fishing license fees here. They go into effect on July 1st, and are for both resident and non-resident, and for charter fishing vessels.

For additional SCDNR information, contact Erin Weeks at (843) 953-9845