Beaufort named ‘most quaint small town in South Carolina’

Beaufort named 'most quaint small town in South Carolina'
photo courtesy Anderson Aviation

Just when you thought we were already on top, that we’ve perhaps peaked in positive popularity…Beaufort did it again.

MSN named Beaufort the most quaint town in all of South Carolina on its list of “The Most Quaint Towns in Each State.”

You can add this one to the other accolades Beaufort has received recently.

We’ve been called one of the cutest in all of America, named the best in the Palmetto State, the 2nd BEST Small Town in the South, the Most Patriotic City in S.C., and the Prettiest Town in the whole state.

We’re used to kind words around these parts.

Cute. Best. Pretty. Happiest.

But what is quaint, exactly? What does it mean to be quaint?

Webster’s dictionary gives the definition of quaint as “attractively unusual or old-fashioned.”

OK, we can handle that, even though we don’t look at our town as unusual, unless we’re comparing it to other towns.

Synonyms of the word quaint are picturesque, charming, sweet, attractive and old-fashioned.

Beaufort is ALL of those, for sure.

She’s amazingly picturesque. (ever see our Facebook & Instagram posts?)

She’s very charming in every sense of the word.

Her attractiveness is what draws over 3 million people to visit each year and keeps us on these lists seemingly every month.

She’s quite old fashioned, too. Just look outside or go for a short walk. You’ll see.

Feel better now?

Beaufort, the Most Quaint Small Town in all of South Carolina.

We couldn’t agree more.

Here’s a link to the full MSN article.


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