Port Royal restaurant reserves seats, pours 13 beers to honor fallen US servicemen

Port Royal restaurant reserves seats, pours 13 beers to honor fallen US servicemen
Image courtesy Tim Newman

On Friday, FishCamp on 11th Street, a seafood restaurant in Port Royal, reserved 13 seats and poured 13 beers to honor the U.S. servicemen that were killed in Afghanistan last week.

A local, Tim Newman, took a photo of the display and posted it on Facebook.

Along with the photo, Mr. Newman wrote, “If you have never experienced the grace and patriotism of the Lowcountry, you have been shortchanged. I watch daily as friends and strangers thank our military and hometown heroes with a handshake, a paid tab, a hug or a kind word. I am fortunate to walk every day with my assumed battle-scars, occasionally I boast my membership with an EGA on my shirt and a flag on my boat, but these young men and women who occupy every space we enter deserve our never ending thanks.”

The posting has gone viral, and many other area restaurants and bars have followed suit after seeing what FishCamp in Port Royal had done.

In a tragic, horrible event, a suicide bomb went off Thursday at a busy gathering area outside the international airport in Kabul, Afghanistan, killing 13 U.S. service members.

Also, to help put the honor in perspective, only eight of the fallen heroes were even old enough to legally drink.

Tim is right. The Lowcountry is full of its love for our military heroes.

Great job FishCamp on 11th. We appreciate you.

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