Volunteers needed to retire wreaths at Beaufort National Cemetery

Volunteers needed to retire wreaths at Beaufort National Cemetery
Photo courtesy Amber Hewitt

Wreaths Across America Beaufort is looking for volunteers to help retire the 26,000 wreaths that were laid at Beaufort National Cemetery this Christmas Season.

If you’re interested in helping, just visit the National Cemetery on Saturday, January 20th at 8am.

With over 26,000 wreaths to collect, lots of volunteers are needed.

Organizers are asking that you bring a broom or a broom handle, or anything that helps gather multiple wreaths and work goes even faster when helping.

The staff at Beaufort National Cemetery will also assist in helping to collect and respectfully dispose of all the wreaths.

After a moving ceremony on December 16th, over 26,000 Remembrance Wreaths were placed at the grave markers in the cemetery during the national Wreaths Across America Day.

Visit Wreath Across America Beaufort on Facebook for more information about the event to retire the wreaths at Beaufort National Cemetery.

Each year since its official inception, millions of Americans – a third of whom are children – come together to REMEMBER the fallen, HONOR those that served and their families, and TEACH the next generation about the value of freedom.

The mission of the National Wreaths Across America program is to remember our fallen heroes, honor them, and teach others of the sacrifices they have made for our Country. Started at Arlington National Cemetery in 1992, each year during the holiday season, wreaths are placed on veterans’ grave sites at more than 1,400 locations across the United States, at sea and around the world.